wedding dresses under 200

Last Sneak peak from photo marketing shoot for Elizabeth Kate Bridalbridal.(bridal and prom dresses). taken at Hirst Priory (wedding venue Crowle) Hair by @cw_hairstyling wedding dresses under 200

After trawling through 875 shots uploaded 200 with 50 more left to go.. the online gallery is ready to be passed over to clients..

Hats off to the ladies who helped model.. to Chloe Louise Wilson for hair styling and Kim from Elizabeth Kate Bridal for organising and asking me to capture it all.. big thanks to Hirst Priory for allowing us to use their amazing Venue.. and to Anne Elliott & Mark Elliott for coming along with their VW camper van.. 'Chrissie'

# weddingshoes
# promdress
# promotion
# marketing
# promotionalproducts
# schoolprom
# weddingphotography
# promphotography
# weddingdresses
# promdresses
# photographyservices
# abstractart
